At Christ Church we are committed to serving the homeless of our community by providing Mustard Tree Ministries with 300 baked cookies or brownies once a month. This is a great opportunity for individuals or families to participate by providing 3 dozen, packed two to a zip-lock baggie, cookies or brownies. They do not need to be baked from scratch but should not be store bought. Please bring them to the church the third Tuesday of each month and they will be distributed the following day. For more information, contact Becky Hall at 423-892-9363.
This is one of five camps owned and operated by the Holston Conference and is just about a half hour from our church located atop of Lookout Mountain. This is a year round camp with all sorts of activities taking place. Summer Camp is for grades 1-12 and is designed to instill within the campers love for God, love for self and love for others. The outdoor setting and the camp oriented activities are the avenues for experiencing the great blessing God has in store for our campers. Many of our children have committed their lives to knowing Christ.
Camp Lookout also is a great place for business meetings that can be designed with outdoor challenges and team building experiences. It’s a great place for family reunions and religious retreats and still experiences the great outdoors. Certain weeks of each year are dedicated to outdoor adventure activities like rock climbing, zip lining, horseback riding and mountain biking. For more information go to
This ministry is a part of the Chattanooga Football Foundation which is dedicated to serving youth ages 8-14 in Chattanooga’s most economically challenged neighborhoods. This 12 year old ministry has a vision of transforming the communities of at-risk youth in Chattanooga to the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Their mission statement is to transform the communities at-risk youth through athletic engagement, training in life skills, and the formation of intentional gospel centered, cross cultural mentoring relationships. Christ Church supports this ministry both with volunteers and financially. To learn more about this ministry go to
Christ Church has a Community Garden on our campus that provides fresh produce for area organizations. Volunteers are needed to help weed, water, and harvest. Questions? Contact Mike Feely at
This organization has a mission and vision of empowering underserved communities and individuals through entrepreneurship. A community that builds hope and equity to all individuals through entrepreneurship. Chattanooga has great resources for entrepreneurs and LAUNCH’s role is to make sure no entrepreneur is left out. Through added emphasis 71% of LAUNCH supported businesses are owned by African Americans and 65% are owned by women generating an estimated $11.5 million of annual revenue.
LAUNCH initiated the High School Entrepreneurship Program in 2012 and now has 9 high schools in Chattanooga’s urban core. Both youth and adult programs continue to produce streams of motivated, educated graduates from classes in and around the Chattanooga area. To learn more visit them at
In the months that have a fifth Thursday, our church prepares a sack meal for the Mustard Tree ministry. We meet from 12-4pm to prepare 400 sandwiches and pack sacks with sandwiches and other items for delivery to Mustard Tree ministry. Their volunteers deliver the meals to the needy people in the community.
For more information, please contact Mike Feely at For more details on Mustard Tree Ministries visit their website at
Pantry Pile-Up
Every month Christ Church gathers specific items for one of our Mission Partners.
For February, we are going to be collecting items for the Partnership For Families, Children and Adult’s Victim Support Services, which serves those fleeing from Domestic Violence as well as those who have experienced sexual assault.
Suggested items to donate:
All sizes are needed for both adults and children.
For more information, please contact Mike Feely at
For more details on the wonderful work of the Partnership please look at their website:
Previously named Prison Prevention Ministries, Transform Ministries is a ministry in Chattanooga that’s mission is to invest in the lives of inmates by providing Bible-based life-skill seminars in institutions each quarter. They believe that when inmates develop a personal and growing relationship with Jesus Christ they will find themselves equipped to succeed upon reentry into society. In addition to working directly with inmates, PPM’s prevention program connects youth with life-changing experiences. Prison Prevention Ministries is able to create relationships with youth in 7 counties across Tennessee and Northwest Georgia. Numerous youth begin their personal journey with Jesus as a result of this program that has been used in schools, churches, recreation centers and more. Christ Church is a proud supporter of Transform ministries. For more information visit
If you would like to lend a helping hand to women and children who are homeless then we have a place for you! Consider joining one of the teams from our church that brings meals to about 20 women and children. Their mission statement is to empower homeless women and children to become self-sufficient by offering them a temporary home while providing programs and services to meet their goals.
This ministry needs men and women and even families. There is room for permanent volunteers or just spot volunteers willing to fill in on short notice. It’s a great way to meet other members of our church while showing God’s love for all his children.
To volunteer or for more information contact Mike Feely at For more information on the Room in the Inn program visit their website at
Christ Church is committed to assisting the Bethlehem Center to fulfill their mission of empowering inner-city youth and families to lead responsible lives by providing discipleship, education and leadership development. To learn more about The Beth visit them here Here are some of the ways you can help.
• Mondays at the Beth- what a great way to start off your week by helping the children with Bible
stories, crafts and snacks. During the school year we meet at the church at 2:30PM and return by 5:00.
For more information or to volunteer contact Red Dueker at 423-618-4519.
• Beth Skating Party- children from The Beth enjoy an end of the school year skating party at the roller
rink. Volunteers are needed to help with serving the pizza and soft drinks. If you would like to have
some fun with these great kids by volunteering, contact the church office at 423-892-9363.
• Vacation Bible School at the Beth- each summer volunteers from Christ Church put on a week-long
bible school with stories and themes from the bible, recreation, crafts and snacks. To volunteer
contact Red Dueker at 423-618-4519.
• The Beth Christmas Party- each year Christ Church provides the children and youth at the Beth a
fabulous and fun filled Christmas party at the Bethlehem Center. The event includes stories,
Christmas crafts, decorating sweatshirts and a great meal. Volunteers range in age from teens to
super seniors who open their hearts to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas. To volunteer call the
church office at 423-892-9363.
Our church supports this organization which provides over 20 different programs for citizens of the greater Chattanooga area. Comprehensive services for elders, youth, deaf, sexual assault and domestic violence victims, and family strengthening are just a few of the programs they specialize in. The Partnership provides shelter, transitional housing, case management, counseling, life skills and court advocacy for women and children who are victims of domestic violence, sexual assault, and human trafficking.
Twice a month members of our church prepare a homemade meal and deliver it to the families currently in residence at the shelter. The Center has a small community shared kitchen and sandwiches and convenience foods are norm for the residents.
Recently, due to increasing need, the Family Violence Center expanded their capacity from 40 and now houses up to 50 residents. CUMC is seeking additional volunteers and teams to keep this vital mission going. What a great opportunity to help those most vulnerable recover from these terrible offenses. To volunteer or for more information contact Mike Feely at Visit the Partnership’s website at
The mission of the Samaritan Center is to meet the basic physical, spiritual and social needs of people in our area, using the ministry of Jesus Christ as a model. It is a community resource where individuals and families from more than 70 area agencies, businesses, civic organizations, schools and churches of all denominations come together to minister to people in crisis.
Our church supports the Samaritan Center as one of our mission partners and you can help by donating toys, clothes in good order and working appliances to one of their collection points. To learn more or to volunteer your time, you can visit then
This magnificent organization of volunteer doctors, nurses, and folks with non-medical skills take care of more than 4,000 people that are without medical insurance and that are poor, living in our community. This privately funded mission provided more than $7 million in healthcare last year alone. The volunteers are connected by a cause and a belief that no one should have to do without basic healthcare and that a little effort by each volunteer can make the world a better place for so many.
With that magnificent thought in mind, this mission has a place for you regardless of your skill level.
What better way than to serve those in need than by lending a few hours each month. If you would like to volunteer or need more information visit their website at
The mission statement of this Christ Church supported ministry has been since 1987 to plead the case of, provide assistance to, and promote the spiritual growth and ministries of widows. Through its volunteers, they have repaired roofs, painted buildings, made wheelchair ramps and done other minor repair work for widows in our area.
To donate your time or to learn more about Widows Harvest visit